Friday, March 31, 2017

Absence of Courage

"Discouragement is not the absence of adequacy,
but the absence of courage."
Neal A. Maxwell

When faced with a challenge, it is easy to become discouraged.  If we are not mastering the lesson, fear may move in evicting our confidence.  When our emotions are splattered across our minds, we have little focus and are likely to fault ourselves with inadequacy.

When we are extremely critical of our lovely selves, we tend to accept the absence of solution is based upon our personal lack of ability.  Lists of faults or imperfections may flow from our pen disallowing creative ideas from taking shape.

If we can take pause, filling our lungs with deep breaths and our minds with stillness, we are able to explore fresh possibilities.  Options may create a greater sense of possibilities than the original idea.  All we need is courage to see the situation working in an affirmative way.

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