Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Wounded Soul

"she is clothed with strength and dignity
and laughs without fear of the future."
Proverbs 31.25

Mentors have impacted my life many times over, and teachers have intervened when I wast lost in chaos.  These gracious spirits faced struggles in their own lives which enabled them to recognize the need for discretionary intervention. 

I remember gentle words spoken to me with kindness and stern support.  The words slithered into my heart rekindling a spark of hope.  The interest invested into me gave me courage to keep moving forward.  I did not dare to think beyond the muddle of present day.

Wherever we are in life, we need to be treated with dignity and respect.  When we are graciously gathered into any equation, with laughter breaking stress and fear, we advance together. Simple recognition such as loving eye contact strengthens and dignifies.   

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