Thursday, March 9, 2017

Harsh Dark Footsteps

"Her heart was pure, and also kind,
And I ... should not have acted blind."
Will Advise

Powerful women find themselves under the feet of unappreciative men.  These powerful women assume the fault of the unhealthy relationship  and endeavor to fix the unappreciative men.  In spite of  power, women assume a weakness when they cannot successfully make another person happy.  

Powerful women falsely believe they are supreme in wearing masks to hide disappointment, disrespect, or loneliness; while not realizing the deficient partner simply doesn't care.  They will pay the price of depression, exhausting themselves for the sake of others.

The feminine spirit is exceptionally powerful.  Boundaries are necessary to protect the creative pulse.  To look inside in search of gifts, talents, and strengths  women can discern the path best followed.  The path is her own, not over trodden by the harsh dark footsteps of others.

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