Thursday, March 16, 2017

Curtain Drops Away

"I feel like a curtain has dropped away
and I'm seeing people for who they really are,
different and sharp and unknowable."
Lauren Oliver

We spend our life time trying to define our true self .  We dive to the depths of our  interior turning every aspect upside down and sideways in hopes of discovering truth.  We arrange our story, switching characters, and creating new outcomes.  Do we ever fit all of the pieces together?

We engage in relationships to learn lessons and receive  messages, but how well do we know these messengers?  To what level do we extend gracious unfolding to others?  Do we invite them in to rest, reflect, and discover what makes them shine?

They, too, are wounded, suffering and evolve, but do we see their transition or do we hold mini snap shots of their contribution.  When we allow the curtain to fall to the side, we can extend appreciation and gratitude for all of the unseen.

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