Thursday, March 30, 2017

Nothing But Love

"If in loving, I become the naked woman on the horse,
I will ride that horse with my head held high." 
 C. JoyBell C.   

I have removed my mask and shed my cloak.  My feet are bare, with a golden halo as my crown.  I grasp the extended hand, to love, share, and expand.  My eyes no longer behold the fear of harm, as I am protected by strong arms, wisdom and laughter.  

A trust worthy companion by my side, we explore the rising sun and follow the birds in flight.  We no longer face strangers and worry less about our plight, as we believe in the goal finally in our sight.  As the sun falls from the sky, we nestle in warm covers reflecting upon the life unexpectedly wedged between our dark nights.

Through the window of our souls, we gaze at the moon and whisper to the stars.  The falling stardust sprinkles mystery and visions, leaving plenty of room for mischievous games.  I have found there is no shame in becoming that naked lady on the horse with nothing but love to my name.


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