Sunday, June 26, 2016

Resolution Greater Than Fear

"You move totally away from reality 
when you believe that there is 
a legitimate reason to suffer."
Byron Katie

Challenges appear in life and we are expected to react to them.  We have choices as to the amount of energy we invest.  The degree of attention we willing place depends upon the severity of the occasion.  Our attitude either hampers or enhances the outcome.

If we avoid reality, we are simply postponing the inevitable.  If we are stuck in denial, forward movement halts.  When we remember our strength, we can engage with the challenge, believe we will discover resolve, and move along.

If we take on responsibility for what is not ours to own, we suffer.  To have the perception of being punished or being a victim creates an unhealthy falsehood.  When we face reality allowing our resolution to be greater than fear or ego, our passage allows for both learning and experience without the need for extended suffering.

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