Monday, June 27, 2016

Eclectic Dreamscape

"The lesson will always repeat itself,
unless you see yourself as the problem ...
not others."
Shannon L. Alder

Wandering through my old journals, it is clear how lessons repeat themselves.  At times they appear to be completely different, but other wise challenges are duplicates of the past.  The villains (who I have learned to call teachers) change from scene to circumstance, but I am the constant actor in the play.  My wardrobe changes, lines are altered, and the show always goes on.  

There is expansion and growth written across my pages.  Explorations track me seeking the wise words of others to diving within my owner dark crevices.  My writings are a record of a very eager student, subject to circumstances where my fear was in control, and enough diversity to mask emotions of any situation.

Now I enjoy water color in chorus with my words.  A splash of color drying on the page eases my mind and blending hues perpetuate an inner calm.   Inspired, I am willing to be responsible for my eclectic dreamscapes and my words continue to set me free.

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