Friday, March 11, 2016

Take Flight

"This life is full of trials and tribulations,
so you have to capture humor whenever 
and wherever you can find it."
Steven Callahan

My intentions for yard work is once again delayed. Another day of weather predictions not met.  There is a lack of sunshine and the temperatures are not rising.   Feeling adrift, I step into the backyard feeling cold mud beneath my feet. I am caught somewhere in between being stuck and taking flight.

My coffee cup warms my hands and my eyes gaze into the yard.  A Blue Jay is screaming at me with a message I simply don't understand.  Shifting my eyes elsewhere, I see three Cardinals  in a heavy game of chase.  Sudden action jerks my head to the fence line where my eyes capture the tiniest squirrels I have ever seen.  

Coming back inside, I find myself laughing.  Nature has just given me three examples of how to use my day: I can be crabby and judge everything; I can engage others in play; or I can remain stuck in an  unproductive pattern of racing back and forth.  In the end, I decide to be a redbird by going to the market and engaging fellow shoppers about which flowers to plant this year.  Through our conversations of shared experiences, our hearts take flight.

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