Thursday, March 3, 2016

Lapse In Routine

"Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries
of earth are never alone or weary of life."
Rachel Carson

Time management instructs us to complete our tasks for the day and if we complete them prior to a deadline, we must not pile on more work to fill the newly created space.  Instructions encourage the person to utilize the extra time as a means for revitalization.

There are days when we might have fifteen minutes between appointments and we tell ourselves it is not enough time to do anything and this is so not true.  Here are some options:  carry a small journal or sketch pad with you;  do a mini meditation right where you are;  mentally do yoga stretches; pray; go outside for a brisk walk; stand outside looking up at the sky; deeply observe people around you; or sit in your car and sing ... loudly!

When we deviate from our highly organized schedules, we discover spaces to calm our chattering minds and relax our stressed out bodies.  In this lapse in routine, we begin to see the beauty of life reflected by people, places and things.  The mysteries of life await our attention to distract us from the weariness of life.


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