Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Conflicting Goals

"What lies behind us
and what lies before us
are tiny matters 
compared to 
what lies within us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

In my parents generation, it was too risky to change jobs or not safe to raise the personal standard of living as the market could change.  Businesses were passed down through the family without respecting individual desires to pursue other options.  Our culture grooms us to secure a home, extend a career, stabilize income, and numerous other goals without including the development of our inner spirit.  

We are multi sided perfectly geared to accomplish conflicting goals. There is a genius in science, who  has a hidden talent and obsession for playing the drums.  The fashion model traipsing down the runway is secretly dreaming of being a forensic specialist.  Then there is a homemaker who at night sneaks into her garage studio succeeding as an accomplished artist.  We can be many things!

We have an abundance of creativity inside of us.  This creativity can be pursued in a variety of ways, but we must recognize it first.  We must cultivate and experience what makes our heart soar.  Whether it is a hobby, a change in career or bursting out of our shell, we bring greater balance into our lives when we fulfill our dreams.

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