Saturday, March 5, 2016

Suspended In The Hush

"If you want the truth, I'll tell you the truth:
Listen to the secret sound, the real sound'
which is inside you."   

The true gift of hearing comes in silence.  It is within the pauses of life that messages awaken in the heart.  When we are still, we can embrace the rhythms that calm and comfort us.  Clarity floats on the secret waves within.

The resistance to being still resides in all of us.  It requires effort to adjust our surroundings and orchestrate time for quietude.  Even then, we can remain so hyper, the experience is nil.  We are not always cognizant of how tightly wired both our bodies and minds become.

Inspiration flows once we are listening.  Resolution for challenges become available and new direction begins to guide us.  Uncomfortable emotions we  repress, surface for us to acknowledge and discard.  We begin to breathe deeply and our nervous system is aligned with our natural balance. The Divine  spiritually reconnects us and we find ourselves suspended in the hush.

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