Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Eucalyptus Trees As Symbols

 "Beloved child, break your heart no longer.
Each time you judge yourself,
you break your own heart."
Swami Kripalu

The bark of the Eucalyptus tree is of varying shades of gray, and it is streaked with strips of bright coral and piercing green.  The pealing of the gray bark and the iridescent colors causes the tree to appear surreal.  These trees evoke the process of pain.

The pealing bark resembles the  layers of wounds we endure.  The streaks of brilliant coral represent old wounds still unhealed.  The brilliance of the green beckons us to heal and bravely stand taller.   The unique leaves at the top of the tree offer a distinctive fragrance similar to the joy at the end of pain.

This symbol of pain demonstrates the benefits of remaining grounded and seeking brighter endings in spite of our broken hearts.  Like the artistic Eucalyptus leaves, we too can produce gifts to our world in our own authentic way after experiencing pain.

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