Thursday, March 6, 2014

One Single Word


“If the private life of the sea could ever be transposed onto paper, it would talk not about rivers or rain or glaciers or of molecules of oxygen and hydrogen, but of the millions of encounters its waters have shared with creatures of another nature.”

Federico Chini  
The Sea Of Forgotten Memories
We have spent the morning down by the water.  The sand is like fine white sugar and the seagulls are quite friendly in hopes of finding food.  When the water is calm, it is easy to spot the dolphins in small groups, always swimming in the same direction.  There are people of all ages experiencing the magic of the gulf.  The water is very cold so there is very little activity in the water itself.  The winds are always strong which makes it comfortable to sit in the sun. 
By the shoreline, runners pound the sand while slower paced folks collect sea shells.  There have been a few older couples walking with ski poles.  The tips of the poles dig into the sand and exercise their upper body to give them a better work out. The people who wear swimming suits are usually up by the pool.

As the hours slide by, I find that I have turned very few pages in my book.  I have spent most of my time just listening to the waves and watching the seagulls gracefully fly by.  The sounds of the sea lull me into some indescribable zone.  I temporarily reside in a loftiness of non-thinking, just absorbing and feeling.  In this stillness there is such comfort, calm and peace.

In this gentle state, there is no rush of inspiration nor glimpse of dreams.  There is not a pull to return to a world bombarded by uncharted weather, chaos, and dis~ease.  I do not yearn to put pen to paper as my vocabulary seems to be stuck with one single word ... bliss.



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