Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My Own Little World

Women who Run with the Moon's photo.
Women Who Run With the Moon
A very thin veil separates us from other dimensions.  In fact, when we are very connected with loved ones, we can experience communication even when we are separated.  Some call this intuition or imagination, but it truly is reality for some.
There is far more in our field of consciousness than we recognize.  The bonds created through love can span dimensions.  When we sense the presence of someone, we can open our selves to the experience.  We may not hear actual words, although we may mysteriously receive a message.  We may just feel enormous comfort or an outpouring of love.  Some experience what is called a "knowing" which is understanding something without conversation.  A person just knows the information they just received came from someone other than themselves.
When we are blessed to have kindred spirits in our lives, we often know exactly how they might respond to a situation or what their response will be before they even speak.  When we feel loved and accepted by our sisters of the heart, protective barriers are released and communication occurs on many different levels.  We can read body language to determine if they are stressed out or angry or tense.  All in one glance, we easily absorb random pieces of information about our friend. We each have little movements  labeled 'tells' that tip each other off ... like an eye or hand movement, a twitch at the corner of the eye, body position, or how we stand. 
Some say that I live in my own little world, and I might have to agree.  My world, however, is populated by those who know me exceptionally well as I have allowed them to enter.  They recognize my movements and accept my interpretations without needing to completely understand.  They do not judge so I am free to say whatever it is that awakens or challenges me.  There is safety, beauty, and extraordinary bliss flowing in my own little world, except there are no limitations and only inclusions.

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