Monday, March 31, 2014

Born to Dance

We are all pure perfection desperately trying to be something we already are. Life is not a struggle, life is a song and we were all born to dance. ( Anita  Krizzan)


We are all pure perfection
desperately trying to be something
we already are.
Life is not a struggle,
life is a song and
we were born to dance.
Anita Krizzan
We experience days where everything in our personal lives seems to be aligned with the stars.  It is as though we carry personal power with the ability to create our hearts desires.  We tackle a creative project, approach the boss with a brilliant idea, or treat our family to an unexpected venture.  We feel alive and at peace with all things.
Unfortunately, this rush of personal power does not remain.  It appears to be a part of our cycle waxing and waning like the moon.  It slips away as silently as the moon crosses the sky.  All the more reason to be aware of these feelings when they arrive.  Recognize them as our time of strength and utilize the magical time to the best of our ability. 
We also experience the opposite times when we are out of sorts and nothing seems to cooperate.  We take malfunctions personally and can hear our inner critic shouting in our heads.  It is important to be aware of these times as well.  In these moments, we need to quietly nurture our self, accepting we are not at our very best.  Be gentle with the things that appear to be out of control, and remember that these times, too, shall pass.
In between these two stages of our personal cycle, it would be helpful to compose two lists.  One list is for the high energy day and the other for lower energy.  Jot down creative projects that keep falling to the bottom of the To Do List.  When we are aware of our high tide, we can easily select an item from our list and funnel all of our energy into achieving a particular goal.   The other list is for the low energy days.  This list contains ideas for more peaceful movements.  Maybe a trip to the library or garden store.  Catch up on a few communications waiting for responses.  Take a nap or a slow walk outside.  On these days, it is sometimes difficult to know what to do with  our listlessness.  We can easily turn to our list, picking and choosing calm but productive movements.
They say we were born to dance, even if our feet pat out a rhythm in an space we couldn't possibly be seen.  And perhaps this highlights a point ... we are born to dance to celebrate who we are and not who others want us to be. 

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