Thursday, March 27, 2014

Carving Life


“The deeper that sorrow carves into your being the more joy you can contain. ”

Khalil Gibran
There are many sayings regarding our hearts being broken over and over again, until they are cracked completely open. making them large enough to hold love for ourselves, our friends, our community, and our world.  These little quips always raised the question of 'why' for me.  Not 'why me,' but 'why do we have to go through the suffering?'
The obvious is that we learn through difficult challenges and the key is how good we are at staying in the moment, being aware, and then letting go.  We are in control of the  emotional element.  If we desire to stay stuck in the challenge, investing excess feelings, digging our selves deeper into the experience, then it is a decision we make. 
When we are aware of the moment and can fit the pieces together best we can, then move along, we do not remain stuck.  When we can exercise our faith, trust, and hope for better understanding, we are able to move forward.  We recognize our ability to adjust our emotional control and decide to let go.
Our lessons help to carve our character.  If we can choose to live life a bit more deliberately, passion grows, creating artistic strokes out of our deep rivers of sorrow.  When we finally conquer our challenge, we gain more insight about the trail we leave behind.
When we find emotional balance after a life altering lesson, we begin to realize that we have more compassion for others, less judgement, and better listening skills.  Gathering all of these tools that can now be used more deeply with others, we find plenty of room waiting in our heart.  We can embrace more than before and re-enter living offering an open heart for more situations and the people in them. 


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