Monday, May 27, 2013

You Can't Hide ...

“One thing you can't hide -
is when you're crippled inside.”

                                                                    John Lennon

We have a tendency to hide when things go wrong.   A coping skill is to withdraw, to hide until we can be better balanced.  We can wear masks and even costumes to distract those surrounding us, as we fear the real 'self' might be discovered. 

Sometimes we think we are masters of disguise when in reality, the people we have chosen to surround us may not really care.  They may notice we are somewhat altered, but if they indeed are not kindred spirits, they may ignore us anyway.  Most the time when we think we are playing our best performance, people who truly care see right through it.

We must choose our friends wisely, finding a balance and harmony.  When we depart from a friend we are thankful for the time just shared.  We do not feel drained or depleted.  We know our friend will openly listen to us without overreacting or passing the information on to others. 

We feel better about our selves when we realize everyone has something they feel they need to hide.  We all have negative factors we need to overcome or improve upon.  There are times when we feel a part of our self is ugly or distorted, but it may be a total illusion of our own personal judgment.  We learn to embrace other peoples imperfection, faster than our own.  

When some of us were children, we were told we were sinners and would always be sinners ... quite a burden for a child to carry.  So years of learning need to unfold to alleviate false impressions of shame or guilt.  In order to be whole, we must not hide.

We are all just a bunch of frogs
wanting to be loved
warts and all!

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