Sunday, May 26, 2013

Edge of the World

I think that half of us feel fraudulant in our lives anyway.  There's that strange connection of not really knowing what we're doing sometimes, or why it matters.  It's our existential crisis.

Carrie Brownstein  

A few days ago, I purchased a note card from  Tree of Life Artworks.  These artists primarily use scrimshaw as their medium, and I have several pieces of their artistic work.  I came across their first attempt at note cards.  There were four patterns, but I was immediately drawn to a card with a tree, the moon and stars.  I was not certain as to why it jumped out at me, but the inscription at the bottom read:  "Somewhere near the edge of the world, Trees drip with stars." 

In contemplation, I brought the image of the note card to the front of my mind.  There were numerous thick and distorted roots reaching into rich black soil.  As I imagined them moving down into the earth, my understanding expanded.  Human beings need a root system, not just one root designated for faith.  Self-esteem and worthiness also form strength to keep us upright and strong.  Friends, teachers and mentors become part of our healthy roots as well.  Exercise and appropriate eating establish additional roots.  Multiple roots spiraling into Mother Earth are conduits for energy, both giving and receiving. 

Mentally focusing on the note card once again, my vision moved up the tree.  I examined the gnarly bark, the loss of limbs, and even some decay.  The root system was so vibrant, however, I could see the energy floating in  the tree.  The tree displayed the twists and turns of many life times, enduring unexpected changes.  There is a need to be aware of issues, but not to use energy in personalizing them.  Use energy to resolve them, no matter where they originated or in which life time. 

Breathing deeply, my eyes followed the tree limbs reaching up towards the sky.  The tips of the branches were extending themselves pulling energy from the heavens.  The energy sped down the trunk of the tree and became enmeshed with the energy coming up  from the earth, bringing balance and harmony.  I clearly embraced the strength of this tree as it was a vessel between the earth and the sky.  If I am deeply rooted into Mother Nature and if I reach up into the wisdom floating in the clouds, how tall I will stand in this energy flow.

In the background is the moon giving great meaning to me.  It has been a listening companion for me throughout the years.  I find the presence of the moon to be calming, and it initiates hope, acceptance, and inspiration.  It also offers the Lunar Cycle still observed by many to this day.

At last glance, I view the trees dripping with stars.  Stars remind me of the magic in life we seem to overlook as we grow older.   When we are in balance with what is above and that which is below, we are strong  enough to open our senses to the magic in life.  We once again become vulnerable and creative to wish upon a star.   
All I am and all I am meant to be has been reflected in this contemplation.  I have visited my most favorite things:  the tree, the moon, and the stars  ...  somewhere near the edge of the world.

1 comment:

  1. SO enjoying your posts! Your authentic expression of life experience is beautiful...
