Monday, May 13, 2013

Small Acts

“Do your little bit of good where you are;
it's those little bits of good put together
that overwhelm the world.”
Desmond Tutu

We can spend an entire year or years planning one huge charity event which is quite generous, but what about random acts of kindness?  What can we do today in this moment rather than waiting years for results?

While going to a gathering the other day, I noticed a lame duck struggling across the street.  I immediately looked in the rear view mirror and no one was behind me, so I stopped.  The on coming car also noticed the duck limping across the busy street.  She stopped as well.  

The poor duck was frightened for sure as he kept changing directions.  He would go one way across the street, but then turn and come back.  I noticed cars lining up behind me and realized there were just as many forming a long line behind the car across from me.  Back and forth the duck went.

I was beginning to feel pressure to proceed, but it was so obvious the injured duck truly was not safe.  I noticed, however, that no one was honking their horn or yelling.  Everyone was being really quite patient.  I began to mentally converse with this animal, to gently encourage it to get out of the street.   I felt certain others were sending prayers or using the brief stillness for deep breaths or regrouping of priorities.  I was really pleased with the goodness of all involved.

As the duck finally waddled away, the driver of the on coming car waved at me and offered  a big smile.  I returned the gestures.  We had shared a simple moment of kindness allowing our selves to feel good. 

I continued to notice just the smallest signs of kindness as I continued on.  In the midst of the long line of cars, one person stopped to let a car from the side street slip into line.  At the next traffic light, a driver slowed allowing a car to turn in front of him rather than race through the light. 

These are all such small acts requiring only a moment in time.  To be respectful to others even when we have the right of way or  to wave or to smile or to nod are all small gestures that have the potential of brightening some one else's day.  We may not receive any large reward, but we may be setting a good example for someone else who will pass it on. 

When we extend small acts of kindness throughout our day we are creating a sense of community.  The results make us feel good inside, others are touched, and our perception of the world changes.

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