Wednesday, March 6, 2013

In Search of Friendship

“There is within each one of us a potential for goodness beyond our imagining; for giving which seeks no reward; for listening without judgment; for loving unconditionally.”
Elisabeth Kubler~Ross

While creating friendships, we would be seeking qualities and characteristics reflecting loyalty; ability to embrace diversity while maintaining authenticity;  truthfulness with respect; and an eagerness to encourage  or support.    We would be drawn to a person based on their integrity and not by layers of accumulated masks.  We would hope for a sense of connection  or potential for discovery of a kindred spirit.

What we frequently seek in friendship is what Divine Spirit has always extended or provided to us.  Divine Spirit loves all of us unconditionally without judgment and offering us nothing but goodness.  It is difficult to embrace what we cannot see, but the spiritual rewards are overwhelming. 

When we experience a friendship with deep meaning or personal value, we are experiencing the mutual goodness of each other.  It is not always at the same time as we take turns helping one and other.   The friendship grows and it is as though Divine Spirit works through each of us bringing joy, happiness, and compassion for each other. 

In any friendships balance is necessary for healthy growth.  We yearn for goodness to be extended, to be able to use our voice without feeling judged and to feel unconditionally accepted;  but we must offer these things in return as well. 

There is an old saying  "If you want to have a good friend, you must be a good friend."  Offer to others what we most want for our selves and share authentic gifts.  What strength we have may be an area the other wishes to learn.  Sharing is very important while listening is vital. 

When we open our hearts to each other, Divine Spirit flows through us.  There is great unexpected reward when we exercise our potential for goodness.  Not all friendships are sustained, but it is a blessing to know we have offered our very best. 

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