Sunday, March 17, 2013

Joy in Bubbles

A smile starts on the lips.
A grin spreads to the eyes.
A chuckle comes from the belly;
But a good laugh bursts forth from the soul.

Carolyn Birmingham

Over time, I have become more selective with those I entrust.  Feeling more comfortable  with closer friends, I guess I let my guard down.  I have always had the tendency to see the spiritual side of people rather than the human side.  Unfortunately, when some one behaves very much in human form, I find my self disappointed. So I have an unrealistic expectation, even though I am compassionate and understanding.  I forgive easily, but I tend to feel wounded or betrayed when I have been personally disappointed. 

Pure gossip rounded a bend and unexpectedly splattered in my face.  I felt my self escalating through initial embarrassment, humiliation, and a wounded spirit.  It was not so much about what exactly was said, but rather the reflection of the person not understanding me at all.  We can agree to disagree, but it is rather disturbing to then be made fun of for the differences.  I some how expected extended respect and honor for each other.

I took off on a walk hoping the wind would blow away my sinking self-worth.  I lectured my self on not letting what others have to say about me be more important than what I know to be true.  I cautioned my self to let it go and be in the moment.  Release the drama and move along.

As I turned the corner, bubbles burst upon my face.  Then another rush of shinning bubbles burst into my hair.  I immediately felt joy as bubbles are one of my most favorite things!  I glanced up on the porch and there was a man laughing at me.  He had set up a bubble machine just to see peoples reactions.  He told me he just felt like bringing a little laughter into his life, to not take life so seriously.  What a blessing this man was to me.  I felt as though he were an angel deliberately set on my path to gently coax me out of my pity party.

After chatting with this delightful stranger, I continued on my walk feeling extremely lighter and more buoyant.  It felt good to smile, to grin and even to chuckle;  but the laughter from my soul helped to transform the negative to a positive.  I felt happy again created by the simple act of offering bubbles.

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