Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Allow the Self to Cry

"There is a sacredness in tears.  They are not the mark of weakness, but of power.  They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues.  They are messengers of overwhelming grief ... and
unspeakable love."     Washington Irving

There are times I just want to pull down the shades and close out the world.  I desire to be silent in the silence surrounding me.  I attempt to be in each present moment, suspended from thought, word, and deed.  To be perfectly still within the stillness.

During these private moments, tears  run down my puffy cheeks and I taste grief upon my lips. These tears are the first sign to me that I have unresolved sadness attempting to escape.  Frequently, when words hurt me to the core, I quickly hide them inside for viewing in a more protected place.  It is not until time has passed and I am feeling safe that I allow the tears to streak down my face.

The allowed distance gives me time to generate forgiveness and grace.  This lapse in time offers a better perspective and healing of the space.  There is time given to remember who I truly am without  outside validation, status or place.

No one need ever be ashamed of tears for they are cleansing agents of the soul.  They are loving reminders of the deep caring inside and our ability to survive.     Sometimes, it takes great strength, not weakness, to allow the self to cry.

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