Thursday, March 28, 2013

None of our Business

Your direction is simple:  to come back to the self you were born to be ~~ the self that resonates with divine goodness, which embodies your unique identity.  The self you would most naturally  and joyfully become had you been born into a world filled with wisdom, harmony, and unconditional love.

Judith Corvin ~ Blackburn
A Guide to Inner Healing

How wonderful if we had been born with a map so we would know where to begin and where we would end up.  Perhaps an ancient scroll displaying our lineage of where our family has been, what part we play and who will follow us.  Or quite simply, if we were born with directions.

Growing up we hear:  "Sit with your legs together.  Don't pick your nose.  Don't talk back.  You don't know anything.  You didn't clean your plate and there are children starving in Ethiopia."  If we were frightened or scared we may have been labeled emotional, a baby, a chicken, or laughed at.   Like little lambs, we were herded in the direction of the cool kids.  Our role models were more than likely enriched with athletic or educational talent we might never have.  We adjusted our clothes, our feelings, and our behaviors to fit in.  Even our deepest thoughts were most likely unspoken.

Being an elder to any child, we are able to adorn them with encouragement.  We can highlight their differences as strength and not weakness.  We can express freely the beauty we see in them and offer scenarios of the future coinciding with their expertise.  As a listener and not a sensor, we can encourage their heart's desire.  Instead of offering answers we can ask, "What would you most like to do?  How are you feeling about the choices before you?"  We can bless them by offering praises for their uniqueness and the difference they make in the world.

Oh how different youth would be if a gentle spirit patted us on the head saying, "You are wonderful."  Too many of us had a relative slapping us across the face with harsh  criticism and predictions of failure and incompleteness.  How much more exciting life would have been if someone  stated, "I will be so eager to see all of the wonderful things you will choose to do in your life!"  It is so vitally important for us to know at a very young age that we have entered this world perfect just as we are.  It is difficult to feel validated when we are constantly told we are sinners and imperfect in God's eyes.

We spend a life time filling our lives with things we 'should' do as our unique desires become buried under layers of masks.  When wisdom finally touches our souls, we spend a great deal of time undoing everything we have previously done to resurrect our true self. 

What liberation and acceptance there is when we can finally say to the world, "This is who I am and I am loving every minute!"  There is increased worthiness when we can look our selves in a mirror and say, "I love you.  I am so proud of you."  There is a revelation of insight when we embrace who we are (imperfections and all) and peacefully settle into life.  I recall a quote from an eclectic wise woman, Barb Ryan,  "Remember what other people think of us is none of our business." 

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