Saturday, June 25, 2011

When You Remember Me ...

When you remember me,
it means that you have carried something of who I am with you,
that I have left some mark of who I am or who you are.

It means that you can summon me back to your mind
even though countless years and miles may stand between us.

It means that if we meet again,
you will know me.

It means that even after I die,
you can still see my face
and hear my voice
and speak to me in your heart.

~ Frederick Buechner 
Amercian Author, b. 1926 

Recently, I relocated with the help of family and friends.  Although I am eager to see what life has in store for me, I feel the absence of the women who have walked with me on my spiritual path.  During the last several years, acquaintances became friends and friends became "sisters of the heart".  Each and every one were a gift enriching my spirit.

As I journey into the last chapters of my life, it is my desire to be creatively productive.  Writing, energy work, presentations and creative expression in a variety of forms all are available to me.  I want my life to be balanced with articulation and solitude.

As I walk through each new room where I now call home, I glance out the windows seeing trees, birds, and lovely flowers.  Yesterday, I refurbished my bird feeders, cleaned out my unique bird bath, and displayed a flowering plant to create a lovely little area that can be viewed from my computer room or bedroom.  So far I have seen Mourning/Morning Doves, Cardinals, and Blue Jays.  I am hoping that the Finches will find their way to the thistle!

I have an array of boxes waiting to be unpacked.  Years of my life flash before my eyes as I discover old treasures mixed in with the more current.  I, of course, have unpacked all of my books and they are appropriately settled back into their familiar places on the shelves.  They too reflect different times and places.  Books are like dear old friends, offering wisdom and insight, keeping me company in solitude, and stimulating ideas to be researched for personal growth.

My life is full.  I choose to focus on all that is good and welcome the blessings that accompany my lessons.  I must remember I am never alone and I am much more
than I appear to be.

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