Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Letting Go ...

Keep in mind that letting go
isn't the end of the world,
it's the beginning
of a new life.

author unknown

It has never been easy for me to let go whether or not it is about releasing a friend, a book, a child, a lover, or the last potato chip in the bag.  Moving along has always been challenging even if I have been clinging to that which is not good for me.  Somehow the known has always been more appealing than the unknown. 

Many years ago I found myself clutching onto a situation that was no longer healthy for me.  In the deepest part of myself, I knew it was time to make a change.  Even though opportunity was pounding upon my door, I watched my feet slowly shuffle forward rather than running with glee.

The only constant in life is change and so I am called to master letting go to make inevitable transitions more gracefully.  I must focus on the adventure that opens before me and trust that all will unfold.


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