Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Vulnerable and Transparent

"Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable.
Be honest and transparent anyway."
Mother Teresa 

On one hand, it is frightening to remove all personal masks and stand accountable in front of others. On the other hand, there is acquired peace in simply being present at all times with all people. When 'just be' becomes a mantra, liberty and freedom are experienced deeply.

When courage is used to break a pattern, and all parts of the self are gathered together, resolution follows. Releasing all need for control of others and permitting the self to be honest and true, we begin to experience a full life right where we are. We receive and offer acceptance and love to the self as well as for others.

As we focus on exchanging love, respect increases. We extend freedom to ourselves and to others to be his or her truest sense of self. Standing upon an honest identity, one is able to move forward facing challenge and embracing gifts with the intention to make this amazing world a place of peace.


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