Monday, January 29, 2024

Silence or Roar

"There is complacency in our lives rooted
in the assumption that we will always have tomorrow."
Mitch Davidowitz

In our minds eye, we review an unfortunate circumstance which may lessen or increase feelings of anger, pain, and helplessness. The core wound will fester when we avoid confrontation. We tend to put off today what can be done tomorrow, but what if tomorrow never comes?

We may have perfect intention to resolve an issue, assuming there will be time to do so. It is natural not to prioritize dreaded confrontation. Too often, the core wound continues to fester as it has not been addressed. A minor insult, in time, can shift in our memories into a major diatribe 

Tomorrow may never come for a face to face, but this does not mean it cannot be healed. Power can be restored by expressing deep feelings in a letter which may or may not be shared. We can visualize a reenactment of forgiveness and simply let it go. It is through using our voice that we can release our emotions whether in silence or in a roar.


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