Thursday, January 4, 2024



"If you focus on hurt, you will continue to suffer.
If you focus on the lesson, you will continue to grow."
The Mind's Journal 

Life is a sheet of paper with lightly drawn sketches waiting to be detailed.  We hold a box of crayons in our lap which will color our perception of how life seems to be. It is how we see things that nudges us into more of the same. We cannot avoid darkness, but we can remember the light we carry within.

When we develop the ability to look beyond our feelings, there is discovery of information pertaining to a lesson just waiting for us to begin. Dwelling in deep emotions traps us; whereas, looking for cause and effect propels us forward. 'What is the meaning of this,' we may ask which triggers a greater understanding.

As a bigger picture unveils itself, we begin to connect the dots and discover the relationship between events that previously appeared to be unrelated. Each insight assists in reaping the rewards of discovery. Our energy is no longer used for emotional drama, so we can use it to move forward, growing stronger in the light. 

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