Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Switching Hats


"I think that a woman wears so many hats, we have so many
aspects to us that we're not just one thing."
Rachel Roy

In time, we learn that we were never meant to be just one thing. Even though groomed to completely dedicate ourselves to one area of expertise, we now find the need to expand. We are multi-sided beings with the need to nurture even the smallest aspect of the self. Throughout the day, we find that wearing just one hat won't do!

We move from the singular to the plural in relationships and expand roles of responsibility. Whether invested in family of origin or motherhood or dedicated professional, time is no longer easily allotted.  We are governed by routines, schedules, and appointments requiring stiff discipline in carving out 'me' time.

If one does not have a 'freedom' hat, he or she must acquire one as soon as possible. Once placed upon the head, relaxation trickles down throughout the body. Energy perks up lifting the corners of the mouth. One is empowered which creates a bounce in the step that leads to the choice of inner joy! So many hats, so little time.

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