Friday, January 19, 2024

Assassin or Hero?

"You are a hero of your own story."
Joseph Campbell

Focusing on one true thing to be in life can be a means for sabotage.  We are multi-sided and each part we play is important, requiring nurturing. We set our lovely selves up for failure with expectations to make our mark based upon a singular goal. Individual aspects support each other and contribute to the whole.

If we believe our success depends upon meeting the right people or accumulating exorbitant amounts of money, we are giving away power.  It is when we hold ourselves accountable and stimulate personal resources, momentum increases and attracts positive energy to escort us forward towards realistic goals.

Each person excels in a particular field, but integrity, awareness, and compassion are needed to support the main strength. Life brings us challenges to increase these areas so that we maintain a full spectrum. So discontinue being your own assassin, and gather all of your parts together to become a personal hero.

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