Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Release and Radiance

"Consciousness itself is infinite and so are the possibilities to experience, 
to grow, and to enter into ever higher levels of consciousness."

If we begin to trust in the flow of life, we develop a new momentum. As we allow the self to embrace diverse elements, awakening happens.  It is no wonder we feel stagnant if we have limited ourselves to rigid patterns. Remember, we have choice as to whether we allow our feet to be planted in one place or join in the dance of creation. 

When we relinquish desire to control and allow ourselves to expand into a state of wonderment, life shifts taking on new form. No longer trying to manipulate life, we can use our energies with exploration into inspiration and creativity. It is when we allow ourselves to view life through new lenses, our inner spirit grows radiant.

Begin to see life in all things, moving, flowing, and shifting. Release concepts of safety needing to be stationary, and observe how objects lose shape and form.  Experience the self relaxing when expectations are dropped and wonderment settles in. Surrender to the soul and move beyond the barriers of self-imposed rigidity. It is then that life truly begins.


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