Friday, January 5, 2024

Narrow Calculations

"Asking God for a specific thing will amount 
to limiting God to a specific answer."
T. B. Joshua 

When things do not go as planned, we have the tendency to turn to the Divine asking for intervention. We have a set projection of how things should unfold, becoming disgruntled when our expectations are not met. It is unfortunate that we readily forget how powerful God is and how creative a response may be.

With limited calculations, we fail to recognize how wisdom is displayed in all of our surroundings. If  we do not notice a beautiful sunset or a bird singing outside of our window, we may be missing messages of wisdom. God speaks to us through all of his creation and we benefit when we broaden our awareness to link the connections of inspiration.

Often our focus is too centered on our feelings of being alone. We do not notice the butterfly pausing near us, the leaf trusting as it gently falls, or a warm breeze caressing our face. Divine Spirit is in all things and at all places of existence. When we cease using narrow-gauged projections, the wonderment of all there is gently broadens Divine communication.

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