Saturday, January 13, 2024

If You Go ...

"If you go out and make some good things happen,
you will fill the world with hope,
you will fill yourself with hope."
Barack Obama

If we encounter our days with awareness, first hand experience is given to us through the actions of others. Taking notice of how another person is reacting to a situation, we can employ a nugget of optimism by small acts of kindness. Whether hope is offered through words or deeds, we can impact the lives of others.

As we remember that life is not always how it appears on the surface, sensitivity to underlying factors assists with greater understanding. There is no need for details, as our heart felt gestures become a blanket of comfort no matter the scenario. Too many details can be a distraction. 

Offering generous amounts of compassion, integration rather than separation is heightened. Reacting to others without judgment increases the sense of oneness and unites humanity. When kindness is extended, benefits are felt by all participants. Peaceful interaction is generated by love instilled within each of us.

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