Thursday, July 16, 2020

Doors Open and Close

"As often happens on a spiritual journey,
we have arrived at the heart of the paradox:
each time a door closes,
the rest of the world opens."
Parker Palmer

If we first make a list of the many things that have gone wrong in our lives and then make a second list of everything that has been right, we can compare the two and indicate with a mark which event triggered a change.  The change usually is prompted by a challenge.  We learn through difficult experiences, more than happy events.

We find that as we end one portion of our life, we are actually starting a new.  When we close the door, by the time we adjust and turn around, we find a new one opening.  We may not be aware of it from the beginning, but it is there formulating.

Once I was confiding in my college roommate  about a block I was facing and she replied, "You know, it just shouldn't be that hard!"   She was spot on as the difficultly continued to increase until I exclaimed, "Enough!" I was forcing myself in a direction I wasn't meant to go.  Life is not easy, but we often times make it too hard!

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