Saturday, February 15, 2020

Strange or Familiar?

"Strange in a familiar way,
familiar in a strange way."
Yann Martel

As we try to live up to our expectations, keeping time management routines and scheduling meetings during every available minute, there isn't much time to do nothing.  We may think it is imperative to never be caught doing nothing, but if so, this is inaccurate information.

If we would slow down, broaden our view or listen more to others, we may find information outside of ourselves to be uplifting, eye opening, and challenging.  To travel through our day in a timely manner is respectable, but as we travel there is so much to see and hear.

As we learn to experience our existence in a more meaningful way through observation, we begin to realize sensations seemingly familiar even though we think it has nothing to do with us.  A place one visits for the first time awkwardly feels familiar in a strange way which seems unsettling or the surroundings feel strange, but in a familiar comforting way.  Play at expanding senses during a slower walk though life.

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