Friday, February 14, 2020

Love Intended to be Exchanged

"Individual cultures and ideologies have their appropriate uses
but none of them erase or replace the universal experiences,
like love and weeping and laughter, common to all human beings."

Let us all choose a comfortable place to be, letting love flow through our hearts, minds, and spirits.  There is no need to visualize faces or geographic locations, as we are all one.  In that spirit, let us sit extending love out into the world, around the world, and above the world.

The element of water is emotion, so let us think of love as a vast ocean that never ends, with waves of love washing and cleansing all that there is.  Listen to the sound of the waves or watch the expertise of the wave as it spreads love forward.

Our spirits are filled with love intended to be exchanged on this earth with all of its population.  If we reduce our ego, love can overcome competition, hate, intolerance, judgment, violence, and harm.  It is a choice we can make every moment of our day.  Let our choices be an example of love for all.

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