Monday, February 17, 2020

Asking, "Let it Be!"

"Certain voices heard are heard not because they are phonetic ...
But from one soul they head, to another, in the form of magic."
Jasleen Kaur Gumber

 Friends will sometimes say the exact words we are thinking or we will speak the exact same thing at the same time.  When we discontinue the thought of being solitary human beings, and accept that our body simply houses our spirit or soul.  Who we are at the core is expandable and contracting.  We extend ourselves or withdraw.

A mother frequently hears what her mischievous child whispers to his sister.  An office worker can pick up on gossip being spoken in a very low voice over in the corner.  We will find ourselves wondering who we just overheard speaking while home alone.  Or we might say to our mate, "What did you just say?" and the answer will be "Nothing."

Our thoughts can be very powerful and there are many positive ways to use them.  If we see a homeless person on the street, in our mind we can silently call out to others to give him food or money.  If we are driving by a prison, we can extend blessings to all of the prisoners with the hope they will find at least one hopeful thing in their day.  We can observe a parent inappropriately yanking on a small child and look directly into the eyes of the frightened child saying "I love you.  You are good. Be strong.  At the end of the day we can recap everyone we shared words with and ask the Universe to extend these intentions of kindness.

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