Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Truth of Experience

"Empathy nurtures widsom.
Apathy cultivates ignorance."
Suzy Kassem

It is the wise one who holds beliefs close to the heart while ears remain open to the thoughts of others.  The wise one believes truth will withstand incoming stimuli.  Truths grow deeper by being exposed to opposition.  Additional information might even shift our own thinking based on freshly educated input.  When we can remain open and flexible, we lessen the chances of becoming ignorant during the passage of time.

It is important to become familiar with topics unfamiliar to us.  We need to be informed as to what we oppose. We educate ourselves, not to change opinion, but to understand the other person's wisdom  based on his or her own experiences.

With an open mind, we listen to the voice of others not needing to agree or disagree.  If we educate ourselves we remain engaged rather than apathetic.  We become ignorant when we falsely believe our way is the only way, and close all other access points.

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