Monday, August 29, 2016

Be Patient, But Ready!

"Keeping an open mind is the most important step
when learning to listen to divine guidance."
Madisyn Taylor
Daily Om

Questions are important to us and frequently require immediate action.  We cast a prayer out into the Universe and hope for a speedy response.  We may even plead with the Divine to show us what to do, immediately.  As we remain confused and unable to choose, our anxiety clouds our ability to move forward.

Perhaps if we shared in the responsibility by presenting possible solutions, spiritual responses will be more specific. There is a need for us to invest in our own problem solving as we make a plea for resolution. Miracles do happen, but on a day to day basis, I believe the higher realms would prefer our engagement with a plan.

To have a conversation with Divine Spirit broadens our perspective, eases our fear, and helps to create scenarios we can grasp. We find answers while we open our minds and hearts.  This communication with the Universe guides us with inspiration revealed in art, music, nature or a stranger at the store.  Be patient, but be ready!

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