Saturday, August 13, 2016

Moving Through Suffering

"And that is the ultimate deliverance from suffering ~
the realization that we can be better people
because of it."
  Marianne  Williamson
Lessons visit us in the form of suffering.  We chose how much we are going to invest in the experience ranging from denial to depression.  There is a teaching woven through the fabric of the challenge.  When we persevere and move through pain with an open heart,  we accumulate new aspects to our existing character and personality.

Transformation is a process altering ego, enhancing life experience, and increasing our ability to be improved human beings.  Upsetting our emotional balance rearranges us into a better sense of inner peace and compassion for ourselves and others.

When we have the courage to step through the fear of pain or suffering, we enhance our relationships;    deepen our connection with the Divine; and face life with a greater sense of self.  Inner peace allows us to travel calmly through life and offer compassion to others facilitating forgiveness and unity.


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