Monday, August 15, 2016

Experience Situations

"You're being someone else, 
and when you return to your own world,
you're going to be slightly changed."
Neil Gaiman
Why Our Future Depends Upon Libraries, Reading and Daydreaming

Brain Pickings Weekly Newsletter offered Neil Gaiman's reflections on the importance of libraries, reading, and imagination.  He believes that through our reading, we become more understanding and insightful about other people, cultures, and life styles.  We fall into the roles of the characters in books and experience situations we might not ever have had otherwise.  Books supply us with an opportunity to change who we are on the surface and at the core.

While television shows us information, reading is experienced inside through our own eyes.  We get pulled into the characters, chaos, and miracles which ultimately impacts our very being.  We expand our compassion and increase our skills forming an eclectic and creative foundation.

After writings (fiction or non-fiction) expose us to the wilderness, science, and technology, we will never be the same.   Reading is about growing ourselves into multiple directions, broadening our connection, and experiencing as Gaiman states: "You learn that everyone else out there is a me as well."

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