Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Treat Them With Respect

"So not only is it becoming increasingly clear that plants and trees are fully capable
of communicating with each other, there's other evidence showing that they can  also send and receive nutrients to one another using somewhat of a giant ecosystem internet."
Understanding The Consciousness of Trees
Expanded Consciousness
Seth M, author of article 7/23/16

Professor Suzanne Simard presented a video explaining how all trees in a forest ecosystem are interconnected.  "The biggest and oldest trees, known as 'mother trees' act as major hubs among the vast network of plant life, directing resources where they're needed in the network."  Apparently there is a fungi that connects two or more plants at the root level.

The article, Understanding The Consciousness of Trees also explained a defense mechanism certain plants have to close parts of themselves off to protect nectar from ants.  Cornell University researchers reflected that sagebrush, for example, "... will release a burst of scents warning other plants of incoming danger."  Shel Silverstein's renowned book, THE GIVING TREE certainly displays the many uses of our lovely trees.

How odd nature would be minus the vast variety of trees providing shelter for humans and animals, beauty in landscapes, and a sense of connection only nature can supply. Trees are far more than a presence in a forest or an example of a metaphor. Trees are alive! Let's treat them with respect.

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