Sunday, August 28, 2016

Not Having The Right ...

"You have to be taught the way of peace, the way of love, the way of nonviolence.      
In the religious sense, in the moral sense, you can say that in the bosom of every human being, 
there is a spark of the divine.  So you don't have the right as a human 
to abuse the spark of the divine in your fellow human being."
John Lewis 

When we recognize the Divine within each other, the gaps between all peoples will narrow.  There will be space for each individual to expand his or her uniqueness without living in fear.  Compassionate experiences will remove blind ignorance and restore respect to all who breathe.

If we no longer search for fear in a stranger's eyes, we will be able to see a spirit shine within signifying the right to be a child of God.  When we choose to listen without judgment, we can at least understand a differing point of view.  Peace can thrive in the midst of diversity.

As each child of God awakens to the spark of the Divine within, it is easier to believe that the same exists in everyone else releasing the necessity for competition or jealousy.  Let us not raise our hand to strike one other, but to salute the God within us all.

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