Saturday, August 6, 2016

Intimacy, (In-To-Me-You-See)

"Even as one part of us seeks to be an individual,
another part longs to restore the safety and comfort
of merging with another."
Gail Sheehy

Merging with another is an intimate movement, but not necessarily sexual.  Intimacy (in-to-me-you-see) can be shared when our defenses lower.  It involves trust and a sense of safety, offered in a comforting way.  

Intimacy can be found in the meeting of the minds or a long awaited hug.  It can be an exchange of lingering eyes caught by an unexpected gaze.  Words strewn across the page can be as stimulating as a love object naked across a bed.  The definition alters from one individual to the next.

Even a hermit experiences the desire to be known through an intimate gesture whether it be a smile or nod of the head.  As human beings we crave the sense of touch whether it is mental, physical or spiritual.  Recognition  reawakens intimate parts of our lovely selves that have been lost or buried for too long.

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