Monday, August 8, 2016

Explorer's Mind

"Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts."
Swami Sivanada

Delve into the moment ready to embrace the unknown, like a child anticipates magic.  With new eyes, experience the spectrum of surroundings.  Be willing to partake in activity with an explorer's mind, releasing preconceived assumptions and expectations.

We get stuck in our critical analysis and walls of protection.  If we are not observant of the present we may entirely miss any change that may occur.  If we can be like the wilting flower, lifting our head to the sunlight to become empowered daily, landscapes shift their hues.

Things do not stay the same if we are willing to surge into the flow with our body, mind, and spirit.  With open minds and compassionate hearts, we begin to discern what has been previously overlooked.  Dismissing previous fears, creative expression moves our spirit forward and stimulates goodness in others.  

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