Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Stuck in the Mud

"What if I am stuck.

Kathryn Stockett

People question me about running and getting stuck in their dreams.  It doesn't matter if it is in snow, mudslides, or fog.  The process seems to unfold like this:  We are running, until we become stuck; then we dig in deeper; and finally, when it would be impossible to move, we become still and resolve.  Whether in a nighttime dream or a day dream (which  often times is called a waking dream), running is usually fear based involving emotions.

When challenge enters into our lives, we neglect the road out of chaos and somehow believe we can out run it either physically or emotionally.  As we ignore the core feelings of the situation, we simply dig ourselves deeper into avoidance or denial which then spills over into dreams.  What fears we do not face and therefore repress, seeps out attracting our attention one way or another.

In an ideal moment, we hope to be moving toward alignment with body, mind, and soul.  In both mental and physical health, we embrace all of our feelings rather than disregard them.  As we get trapped in a rut, thinking or feeling over and over again without resolve, we find ourselves steeped in confusion.  When we finally give up, our energy can be used for redirection ... to move towards our feelings rather than away.  

When we feel as though we are spinning out of control, we can ask ourselves who or what is driving us?  Chances are fear is in control.  Allowing ourselves to see through the distortion of fear, we can become better balanced, both mentally and physically. 

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