Thursday, August 21, 2014

One of Two Things ...

"The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior
as one of two things:  either love, or a call for love."

Marianne Williamson

Life would be amazing if we saw only two explanations for behavior:  love or a call for love.  Our community, country and world would be vastly different if we responded to  behavior we didn't understand as a call for love.  Instead of enforcing dominance, control, and oppression, we would be asking what was needed to make a person feel respected, honored, and whole.  

Yes, respect and honor needs to be earned, but what if we maintained our own respect and honored ourselves enough to reach out to those who had not yet experienced these things?  I learned a long time ago, if I were to help someone, I could not impose my knowledge upon them.  I needed to know their perspective so I could begin there.  Not what I saw, but what they felt.

We experience life in different stages and in different ways, never at the same time as one other.  We have our own unfolding to do.  Those of us who finished ahead of others, gaining respect and honor, could turn around and assist those who had not yet learned these things.  

It is unrealistic to think all babies were raised in the loving arms of a mother.  To grow in a healthy environment is not a gift to one and all.  We all scar differently and do not react exactly the same.  We cannot 'fix' those who have not experienced our own learning scale.  We must start where they are with their way of thinking and work our way together.  

We need to stop believing we have the answers to every cultures' problems.  We  cannot begin to mend fences we never built.  We need to address basic needs and then share in the journey beginning from where they are and supplement as we move along.  

Each human being experiences life in an unique way.  We are not all the same so our perspective is not necessarily congruent with some one else's.  We must adjust our approach by looking through the eyes of love, rather than hate.  We each find our own way, thanks to comfort and support offered in love.  Loving Spirit is not enough.  We must be a loving spirit reacting in love or hearing the call for love.  This is when miracles happen.

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