Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Invasion of Boundaries

"The purpose of the earthly incarnation is solely to know yourself.
To know yourself means to love all parts of yourself -
the weaknesses as well as the strengths.  It means looking at the
self-imposed limitations and the limitations you let others put on you."

Betty Bethards

In a book about Africa, there is a statement about how the missionaries came to Africa carrying bibles.  The Africans received the books and the missionaries took the land.  Then in a Native American writing, there is the thought regarding Native American Indians agreeing to peace while foreigners invaded the lands.  Many cultures have been harmed by the aggression of others.  The same can be said about individuals in any society.

In our personal willingness to be accepted, how much of our interior did we give away?  We need to remember, and forgive, those who invaded our boundaries telling us we required change.  We become healthier as we reclaim what we once lost.  The intent is not to punish or hate ourselves or others, but to recapture parts of our authentic selves.  

There is advantage to listening to ourselves when we say things like:  "I used to  ... " or "At one time I loved to ..."  Those very passions remain a part of us, perhaps buried beneath a pile of rubbish gathered from listening to outside voices.  It is an adventure to uncover qualities that we have lost.  There of course is risk involved, but there is far more to be gained.

Who are we without our story?  When we are stripped of all labels what remains?  The heart yearns to be whole, to embrace all parts of our brilliant beings.  Not to hide weaknesses, but not to be stuck in them either.  No matter what our age, a quest to discover our true nature is a journey worth the investment.

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