Saturday, August 23, 2014

Soul Unfolding

"Do what makes you happy,
be with who makes you smile,
laugh as much as you breathe,
and love as long as you live."

Rachael Ann Nunes

Currently, in my non-fiction life, I am reading Panache Desai's book, DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL SIGNATURE.  This book was meant to be "A 33-Day Path to Purpose, Passion & Joy."  I have been reading it for three months!  Each chapter is broken down into morning, noon, and evening and covers a subject in different ways.  By the end of the chapter the reader has a true sense, a real knowing of what is changing inside.  It is brilliantly designed for quick reads, easily bringing the reader to completion within the 33 days; but like I say, I have been hoarding it well past the expiration date!

All of my life, I have been an avid reader.  I tend to gobble fiction right up as fast as I can, but non-fiction I cherish with pauses in between chapters.  To have completed Desai's book in 33 days is doable most definitely, but instead, I have chosen to live through it by breathing his words in and pausing.  I carry the message into my life and remain watchful as my approach to all things,  softens.

In non-fiction books, we sometimes feel like we are reading the same thing over and over, just being written in differing artistic ways.  This is important as we do not all hear the same thing.  Words have different meanings to each of us.  Some readers need to hear the story, fiction or non-fiction, told several times before they find themselves truly grasping what has been meant to be said.

DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL is not the title I would have chosen for this book.  It is so much more about slowly removing thoughts and habits that bind us.  The journey is to the soul, but Panache Desai does such an excellent job with each chapter subject, as the reader, I want to stay there and not move on.  I want to experience his words inside and out.  I want to test drive them.  I want to hold them to me and face not only the good parts of life, but the challenges as well.  And this takes time.

This morning I began Day 22 (his time) day 68 (my time) with only 11 chapters remaining.  When I will complete this book is of no concern to me.  Already, I am not wanting it to end.  In my heart I know that once completed, I will simply begin again.  And, isn't that just how the soul unfolds?

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