Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wear Our Lovely Selves Well!


"No matter how plain a woman may be,
if truth and honesty
are written across her face,
she will be beautiful."
Eleanor Roosevelt

It is not unusual to come across a poem or a writing encouraging us to see the beauty in another person as a reflection of our very selves.  People are mirrors to us, we are told.   When we notice a quality in some one else, we can ask if we need to strengthen that in ourselves or do we have it in place?  There are times we are witness to someone acting 'ugly' or being insensitive, and we are urged to look within and see if we, too, act in this way.  Sometimes we realize the poor behavior of someone else is just showing us how we never want to be. 
While traveling, I noticed a woman who walked with grace.  She carried herself with confidence and appeared to be prepared for anything coming onto her path.  As I reviewed my life, I was reminded how courage came to me when needed; when bravery appeared as required; and how well I had defended myself.  Although my expectations had shifted over  the years, it was important to embrace the sense of  'job well done'.
Sadly, we often times do not give our selves credit that is due.  It is important to reflect on the good we have accomplished with a humble spirit and thankful heart.  There is no need to compare our lives to the lives of others.  Value the accomplishments that have been made by being true to our authentic selves.  Our beauty shines as we  learn to 'wear' our lovely selves well!

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